Profile UHO

Profile UHO

Universitas Halu Oleo, abbreviated as UNHOL, was founded in 1964 and was affiliated with Hasanuddin University in Makassar. In 1981, Universitas Halu Oleo achieved autonomy following the issuance of Presidential Decree Number 37 of 1981, dated August 14, 1981. This historic event was followed by the signing of the inscription commemorating the establishment of Universitas Halu Oleo on August 19, 1981, by the then Director-General of Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Doddy Achdiat Tisna Amidjaja. Initially, Universitas Halu Oleo comprised just four faculties: the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and the Faculty of Agriculture. During this period, the university was situated on a 7-hectare campus, which is now recognized as the Kemaraya campus.

Universitas Halu Oleo (UHO) stands as a significant asset to the Indonesian nation, contributing to the development of high-caliber human resources. Its impact extends to both the Southeast Sulawesi community and the broader Indonesian society.

Universitas Halu Oleo consistently endeavors to be a forward-looking and distinguished institution, actively engaging in educational innovation, research, and community service. These efforts aim to cultivate well-rounded and knowledgeable human resources, particularly in the fields of coastal, marine, and rural development.

Regarding its organizational structure, under the leadership of the Rector, UHO boasts four Vice Rectors, two heads of institutes (the Institute for Research and Community Service and the Institute for Educational Quality Assessment and Development), 14 Deans, one Director of Graduate Studies, as well as seven Heads of Technical Service Units (Library, Language Center, Botanical Garden, Integrated Laboratory, Information Technology Center, Archives, and Entrepreneurship and Student Career Development Unit).


Accredited as a Grade A Institution by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT)

On August 11, 2020, UHO achieved a B accreditation rating from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). The university remains committed to pursuing institutional excellence in pursuit of a coveted ‘Excellence Accreditation’ status, with one of the key prerequisites being a high score in the evaluation of individual study programs. Presently, the total accreditation score for study programs at Universitas Halu Oleo has reached 3.32 out of the required 3.25.

The university offers 115 study programs. Specific accreditation rankings for these study programs can be found in the following table.


Universitas Halu Oleo is running several levels of study as detailed in the table.

NoDegreeStudy Program
1.Under Graduate80

Curriculum and Instruction

UHO adjusts and designs its curriculum in alignment with the policies of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, particularly the ‘Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka’ initiative. This initiative is expected to establish a strong link and match between academic programs and the needs of the industry, the workforce, and research, as well as the requirements at the village, district, city, provincial, national, and global levels.

Compliance with the Rector’s Regulation Number 1 of 2022, focusing on the Development of Study Program Curricula, underscores the importance of crafting curricula that actively engage with contemporary issues. These include the cultivation of character education, the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), efforts in substance abuse prevention (NAPZA), and the promotion of anti-corruption education. These essential components are seamlessly integrated into our educational programs through a diverse range of courses and learning materials.

Universitas Halu Oleo remains committed to harnessing the full potential of online learning systems, commonly known as the SPADA (Online Learning System), as a means of reinforcing the Blended Learning Model. The SPADA system at UHO can be conveniently accessed through the following website:

Improvement of Academic Services

The improvement of academic service quality is achieved through a series of strategic steps, encompassing the formation of teams, data collection (diagnosis), the development of a Strategic Plan (which involves establishing the philosophical foundation, articulating the vision and mission, defining goals and values, conducting situational analysis, formulating strategic policies, planning for long-term development, formulating financial strategies, and establishing strategic controls), discussions, and widespread dissemination.

Admission of New Students 

The admission process for new students encompasses three pathways: merit-based national selection (SNBP), test-based national selection (SNBT), and the UHO Independent Admission Pathway (SMMUHO). In the year 2023, UHO admitted a total of 8,391 students, distributed as follows: 1,935 students were admitted through SNBP, 2,778 through SNBT, and 3,678 through SMMUHO.

Web-Based Academic Services

Web-based academic services encompass a range of processes, including the learning platform (SIKAD Beta), tuition fee payments, access to books and articles (, and participation in graduation ceremonies.

Laboratory Services

Laboratory services encompass both educational and research services, available at both the university level (Integrated Laboratory and Botanical Garden Laboratory) and at the level of faculties/departments/study programs.

Academic Publications

National and international publications by Universitas Halu Oleo’s Faculty from August 1, 2022, to July 31, 2023.

Student Body

Currently, the total number of students at UHO, based on active data for the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, is 38.292 individuals.


Financial support for students can be acquired through government aid, banking institutions, local government, and companies via specific selection procedures.